Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crucify Your Fashion.

I do rather like a good ye olde mockery bashing especially that of religious capers.  For those who take offense to the world in general, close your eyes as you scroll down the page for ye shall see the crucifix endowed by fashion lovers.  First, watch the snippet from Fellini's 'Roma'.  Catholicism to it's 'humble pie' self (I cough cold heartedly).   Then take a peak at those cheeky young ones, punking themselves up in accessories just like a devoured pope.

The hat - a cross between a flat Fez and a large Kippah.  Now i'm confused.

Incase you are attacked by Dracula or those Twilight kids.  The question is though, where did you put the garlic?

Shoes with height makes you closer to God (and so does big hair!).


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