Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mae West's Shoes

She was a genius, I am sure many will argue this fact with me.  But I say, bollocks to you!  Look at her shoes man!  It screams I am short (something i'd wear) but will add illusion.  What an artist!  Quite frankly, the dude (modellist/cobbler) who made them is a champ.  So thankyou to my friends over at the Mae West blogspot and the FIDM museum for the use of the photo.  Wish I knew more about these shoes, I am surprised however that they aren't in Brocade....Mae, where are your other pairs?

Check out the Mae West blog it's neat.


  1. Bravissimo! I think I have one more pair of MAE WEST's shoes posted on my blog. It is a little hard to locate old posts, however, when you have posted more than 1900 posts . . . Yikes!

  2. Cool Mae! When you have the time, come on up and send me the link...hehehehe. Would love to gander at that precious footwear! ;)
